Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lesson 11 - School 2.0

What strikes me most about this School 2.0 vision of tomorrow's school is that it isn't really all that visionary (and maybe it doesn't claim to be). We are not all technologically connected yet, but we are getting least if we choose to or can afford to have access. I believe we're all thinking more futuristic and more "outside the lines" than this visual brainstorming map. The scene is a bit urban/suburban...which includes a big chuck of the nation/world and excludes a huge part of the world. I think the map does work as a teaser, a catalyst to get us thinking, questioning, brainstorming and planning.

I think the School 2.0 map should continue the theme that the school in our future is Community 2.0. I'd keep the People Wheel that emphasizes the importance of everyone collaborating in a "learning ecosystem." I would also keep the drawing and description of technology represented as the school's infrastructure... not the focus but a layered, almost underground/unseen, supporting foundation that connects the school with the outside world and the outside world with the school. We're not there, but improved school management systems may help us get there soon.

If I were to revise the School 2.0 Map, I would change the scene so school will no longer be a singular brick and mortar place...because school is not the only location that learning takes place (like right now, I'm in the living room but could be anywhere). A 'learning is everywhere' theme is a fairly realistic view that I'd like to see more obvious in this map. I'd also like to see the map more inclusive of other settings & regions so that School 2.0 is not only an urban/suburban vision but a vision that connects rural and remote communities. Finally, I'd revise the map to show more lifestyle and multidisciplinary balance. I'd especially like to add scenes representing the the arts, music, and health/physical education & athletics. Making time in our daily lives for art, music, health, nutrition, and exercise ... maintaining a balanced life...will even be more important as our learning/schoolwork connects us more conveniently with each other but also connects us for longer periods of time with a chair and a screen.

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